webQDA provides a consultation service for researchers and companies in the design and development of their research projects. A team of professionals with extensive experience in qualitative analysis provides support in:

  • Master Thesis, PhD Theses, Post Doctoral Projects;
  • Scientific papers;
  • Analysis of data from the market: focus groups, social networks, questionnaires, etc.;
  • Others.

Advantages of the research consultancy service:

  • Better systematization of data;
  • Rigorous structuring of the research process;
  • Guidance in the collection, organization of data, analysis, results…
  • Assistance in the use of qualitative analysis software;
  • Customized support.

Phases of the Consulting process:

  • Project analysis and specific needs;
  • Proposal tailored to the needs of the researcher;
  • Presence / online tutoring sessions*
  • Validation of the proposed work;
  • Results Writing (when required).

* According to the researcher’s needs and geographic location

If you are looking for consultation in qualitative analysis, contact us and ask for an individualized proposal, indicating the subject of the project, questions and objectives, data collection instruments (participants and data collected) and analysis technique.

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